map of Asia

The Asian Xiangqi Federation(AXF) was established in 1978 with the following founding members:China, Hong Kong, Macau, East Malaysia, West Malaysia, Philippines,Singapore and Thailand. Since its inception, the AXF is organising xiangqi competitions atĦĦinternational level every year, namely, the Team Championships on even-number years and the Individual Championships (fomerly known as the Asian Xiangqi Masters Invitation Tournament) on odd-number years.

Subsequently, other xiangqi associations in Asia also joined the AXF. The Australia Xiangqi Association, because of its geographical proximity to Asia, and the scarcity of xiangqi organisations in the down-and-under region, also became a member of the AXF family in 2000. From 8 founding members, AXF membership has grown to the present 16 as follows: Australia, Brunei, Cambodia, China, China HongKong, China Macau, Chinese Taipei, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Malaysia East, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.